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Media Coverage: Ontario Awards Contract to Connect Highway 400 to Bradford Bypass

MTO issued a press release on July 17, 2024, “Ontario Awards Contract to Connect Highway 400 to Bradford Bypass” announcing the award of the construction contract to connect Highway 400 to the Bradford Bypass. Included in this release is a […]

Transit and Transportation

If you have any questions or comments please contact Doug DeRabbie, Director, Government & Stakeholder Relations. Committees ACEC-Ontario/Metrolinx Joint Transit Engineering Committee Engineering Sub-Committee CA Sub-Committee Executive Committee Webinars MTO Org Charts

Contract Management System for MTO Engineering Contracts

The Ministry of Transportation’s Contract Management System (CMS) is targeting to go-live for engineering assignments starting May 1, 2024. The transition to CMS will occur gradually with requirements included in assignments advertised starting April 1, 2024. External user access will begin as […]

Update on Amendments to the MTO Class EA

In 2019, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks sent a request to all provincial Class EA holders to propose changes that would better align requirements for projects with their potential for environmental impacts, eliminate duplication and find efficiencies […]

ACEC-Ontario Gets Results – MTO Makes Changes to Proposal to Pause Use of CPR

Further to ACEC-Ontario’s January 2023 bulletin, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has announced its intention to pause the use of a Corporate Performance Rating (CPR) in bid evaluations for Request for Quotations and Proposals starting April 17th. As a result of […]

Bulletin to Members: ACEC-Ontario Responds to MTO’s Proposal to Pause Use of the Corporate Performance Rating

Today, ACEC-Ontario formally submitted its response to the Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) proposal to remove the Corporate Performance Rating (CPR): We thank all member firms who took the time to comment on the draft submission. We received a wide range […]

Bulletin to Members: MTO Proposing to Pause Use of the Corporate Performance Rating

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is proposing to remove the Corporate Performance Rating (CPR) from bid evaluation, resulting in new RFP and RFQ evaluation models. The removal of the CPR in the evaluation is intended to be temporary (e.g. a […]

Bulletin to Members: Reminder for Member Firms to Update MTO RAQS ESP Profiles By April 30th

No. 21/008 – March 5, 2021 ACEC-Ontario is reminding member firms that the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is requiring Engineering Services Provider (ESP) Firms to ensure their qualifications information in their RAQS ESP profiles is updated by April 30, 2021. […]

Bulletin to Members: MTO prompts Engineering Services Firms to update RAQS ESP Profiles

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is notifying Engineering Services Provider (ESP) Firms that they need to ensure their qualifications information in their RAQS ESP profiles is updated by April 30, 2021. The ministry’s legacy registry, appraisal and qualification system […]

Province and City of Toronto Agree on Delivery of Subway Projects

October 17, 2019 – Consulting Engineers of Ontario (CEO) is pleased to hear the announcements from Toronto Mayor John Tory and Minister of Transportation Caroline Mulroney regarding their agreement to deliver billions of dollars of transit projects in Toronto. Included […]