This week, April 24th – 30th, we recognize National Volunteer Week. Volunteers from diverse backgrounds, for different reasons, come together for the greater good. They work towards improving their environment, their community, and their industry. I strongly believe that consulting engineering, and ACEC-Ontario volunteers, impact all of the above through their commitment. ACEC-Ontario has nearly 150 volunteers across the province, covering five chapters, a variety of committees and network leadership initiatives. Although we can only spotlight a few volunteers, I wish to thank each of them for their hard work and dedication.
Personally, the aspect of volunteering that I enjoy most is the “meeting of the minds” — sharing and hearing others’ ideas, insights and perspectives and discussing and debating when there is a difference of opinion. I enjoy seeing the passion in others who have the goal of the best possible outcome for our consulting engineering community.
Over National Volunteer Week we will be profiling a few unique volunteers and ask them why they devote their time and efforts to their community.
During the pandemic we have seen community volunteers connecting during this challenging time. From students volunteering to help seniors with computer skills and Zoom chats or neighbours helping neighbours with getting groceries for those with accessibility issues. We all have a part to play. As engineers we can best utilize our skills by volunteering as engineers on committees like ACEC-Ontario for community improvement.