Member Application

Join the consulting engineering community with ACEC-Ontario. Please fill out the below form and we will contact you regarding your ACEC-Ontario company member application. Thank you!

Fields marked with an * are required

Company Information

Who at your company is the Head of Company (e.g., CEO, Principal) and staff member with the highest seniority?

Ontario Head Office


Application Contact

Who at your firm should we contact in reference to this application?

To qualify for membership, a Firm Member must meet all the qualification requirements listed below.

Please read and initial each line to verify that your firm meets the qualifications for ACEC-Ontario Firm Membership.

Please confirm if you have reviewed the ACEC-Ontario Membership Fee Schedule, which includes both ACEC-Ontario and ACEC-Canada fees. The fee schedule can be found below. *

Signed on behalf of the firm by:

Annual Membership Fees:

Joining ACEC-Ontario also includes your firm with a membership to ACEC-Canada. ACEC-Canada and ACEC-Ontario dues are paid at the same time to ACEC-Ontario and remitted to ACEC-Canada on your behalf. Current membership fees are outlined below.

Total= ACEC-Ontario Fees + ACEC-Canada Fees

ACEC-Ontario contribution 2024-2025: $1886 + ($31.82 x N) plus HST.
ACEC-Canada contribution: $353.73 + ($25.90 x N) plus HST.

N = number of all employees in Ontario.

A firm’s N value includes all full-time professional, technical and administrative staff. A firm joining after the start of the membership year, which is April 1, has their membership fee prorated once membership has been approved by the board of directors.

Please note, members who join within the first month of the membership year will not receive a prorated fee. Members who join within the last month of the membership year will begin their membership starting April 1 of the upcoming membership year.

The work of our Member Companies shapes our society, from transit, to watermains, to the studies that help create them. Everyday you encounter the work of Consulting Engineers.

Watch the 2021 Ontario Engineering Project Awards to see our Member Companies award winning projects.