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Audience: Public Format: Virtual

February 27- 29 & March 5-6, 2024

5 Day Course

**Please note: This is not an introductory level course. It is assumed you are familiar with bridge or culvert construction contracts**

TLT 127 has been designed to provide strategies to avoid or address common critical issues during structural construction projects. This course prepares operations and consultant staff for structural construction projects.

MTO has developed the TLT 127 course to be delivered over 5 days in the virtual format.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common issues/risks and apply strategies to circumvent them.
  • Assess equipment, materials, and construction methods
  • Differentiate between effective construction practices and potential issues
  • Identify the key requirements of specifications and evaluate contractor submissions

The target audience is:

  • Consultants administering or inspecting a structural construction project in the upcoming season including:
    • Contract Administrators
    • Inspectors
    • Contract Services Inspectors
    • Contract Services Administrators
    • Quality Assurance Engineers
    • Quality Assurance Officers
    • Area Contract Engineers
    • Structural section staff as well as any Engineering Intern or Transportation Technician acting in the above positions.

This course is being offered on the following dates:

  • February 27, 28, 29 & March 5, 6, 2024

The cost to take this course is $450.00.

Registration deadline is Friday November 17, 2023, 11:59pm

Please see the attached course outlines and registration forms for additional information.

This course is offered by MTO, ACEC-Ontario is not the supplier of this course. If you have any questions please contact tlt@ontario.ca.


