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Public Infrastructure Engineering Vulnerability Committee (PIEVC) Program Overview

Audience: Members Only Format: Virtual

January 23, 2025 at 12:00 pm 1:00 pm

(This event is an initiative by ACEC-Ontario Sustainability & Climate Change Network)

The PIEVC Program was developed by Engineers Canada, with support from NRCan, as a tool to identify risks of failure or damage to infrastructure systems associated with climate change and climate-related hazards. In 2020, the PIEVC Program was assumed by ICLR, the Climate Risk Institute, and GIZ (see www.pievc.ca for details). Applied well over 200 times in Canada, and with numerous international applications, the PIEVC process, as presented in the PIEVC Protocol, the PIEVC High-Level Screening Guide, and related PIEVC resources, assesses the impacts of extreme weather and changing climate on physical infrastructure and its operation. It assists infrastructure decision-makers in managing uncertainty associated with future climate change impacts. The PIEVC process provides an accessible, practical, and defensible method to assess the vulnerability of infrastructure to climate change impacts.

Contact information for network representative who will be fielding questions about the actual event: vmakarenko@acecontario.ca.

Speaker: Dan Sandink, Director of research, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Dan Sandink is Director of Research at the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. Dan has authored or co-authored more than 60 technical reports and peer-reviewed articles on topics related to protecting Canadians and their property from the impacts of extreme weather. Dan is currently ICLR’s manager of the PIEVC Program (www.pievc.ca), is Co-Chair of Canada’s national Infrastructure and Buildings Working Group, and served on the Natural and Built Environment Advisory Table for Canada’s National Adaptation Strategy.

Free Included in your membership.

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