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Virtual Presentation on Professional Liability Insurance in the Consulting Engineering Industry

Audience: Members Only Format: Virtual

April 11 at 10:00 am 11:00 am

To register, you will need to log-in to your member account. If you require assistance in logging in, please email communications@acecontario.ca.

(This event is hosted by the Young Professionals Group of the ACEC-Ontario Grand River Chapter)

The presentation will provide an overview of professional liability insurance and will cover 8 key contract provisions that are commonly seen in the consulting engineering industry.

The content will be presented by Kirsten Anderson, who leads the Canadian design professional practice at AXA XL, and Scott Belton, Vice President, Professional Liability at HUB International.

The contract workshop objectives are:

1. To provide attendees with a foundation to understand the significance of written contracts and how the law operates to interpret and enforce contracts.

2. Give participants a greater appreciation for how a written contract forms the building blocks of a firm’s risk management program as key risk transfer mechanisms and protections are considered in light of a variety of risk factors beyond the contract.

3. Provide attendees with a deeper understanding of the pitfalls of key contractual risk transfer mechanisms and strategies firms can employ to mitigate the negative impacts. After completing this program attendees will have better understanding of how professional liability insurance works, and how insurable contract terms can help manage a firm’s liability risk exposure.

In case you have any queries about the event, please email : Patrick McLellan at pmclellan@walterfedy.com

To register, you will need to log-in to your member account. If you require assistance in logging in, please email communications@acecontario.ca.


Kirsten Anderson leads the Canadian design professional practice, AXA XL

Scott Belton, Vice President, Professional Liability, HUB International.

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