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Request for Member Firm Feedback – Construction Act Review

No. 24/07 – July 15, 2024  Earlier this year, the Attorney General appointed Duncan Glaholt to conduct an independent, two-phased review of the Construction Act. The first phase, which was to identify potential improvements to the Act, has now been completed. […]

Metrolinx Releases Capital Projects Group Pipeline Update

No. 24/06 – July 10, 2024 Earlier today, Metrolinx issued an updated table of active and expected upcoming construction and professional services procurements: Click Here To View Document Some of the opportunities that are listed may require pre-qualification through an existing Vendor-of-Record. The Value Category […]

Infrastructure Ontario Releases June 2024 Market Update

No. 25/05 – June 27, 2024 Earlier today, Infrastructure Ontario (IO) issued its first update for 2024. The update lists 25 projects in pre-procurement and active procurement (totaling more than $30 billion in estimated design and construction costs). The list also includes […]

Ontario Presents Fiscal Plan Amid Uncertain Times

This afternoon, the Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance, delivered Ontario’s 2024 Budget. While many of the budget’s initiatives have been previously announced, there are some new items of interest. Here are the highlights: Infrastructure Energy Mining Education Fiscal Outlook To read […]

Contract Management System for MTO Engineering Contracts

The Ministry of Transportation’s Contract Management System (CMS) is targeting to go-live for engineering assignments starting May 1, 2024. The transition to CMS will occur gradually with requirements included in assignments advertised starting April 1, 2024. External user access will begin as […]

ACEC-Ontario Gets Results – Metrolinx Changes Standard of Care Provision

ACEC-Ontario is pleased to report that following months of outreach and discussion with Metrolinx, changes have been made to its template language. Metrolinx has removed “highest” and “leading” in the Standard of Care provision for future procurements. As member firms […]

Registration of Constructors and Employers Engaged in Construction (Form 1000)

BACKGROUND Before beginning work at a project every constructor and employer engaged in construction must complete an approved registration form (Form 1000):OnlinePDF This requirement is set out in section 5 of the Regulation for Construction Projects (O. Reg. 213/91). According […]

ACEC-Ontario Provides Province with Ideas to Keep the Economy Moving Forward

Today, ACEC-Ontario submitted its recommendations on what the consulting engineering industry would like to see in the 2024 Budget. These 12 recommendations would help the Ontario government: ACEC-Ontario’s recommendations have been formally submitted to the Ministry of Finance and the Standing […]

Update on Amendments to the MTO Class EA

In 2019, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks sent a request to all provincial Class EA holders to propose changes that would better align requirements for projects with their potential for environmental impacts, eliminate duplication and find efficiencies […]

Sudbury SCC Decision

Last month, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) released its decision in R. v. Greater Sudbury. In a rare 4-4 split, the SCC dismissed an appeal of the Ontario Count of Appeal decision, which held that a municipal project owner […]