Ontario Election 2025

Vote on February 27, 2025

Your one-stop resource hub for Ontario's 2025 Election

Ontario’s latest general election is underway, with voters heading to the polls to elect the next government to represent them in provincial parliament. ACEC-Ontario’s Election 2025 page highlights the critical issues and positions impacting Ontario’s consulting engineering industry. Scroll down to explore key topics, learn how to make your voice heard this election season, review the platforms and positions of Ontario’s main political parties, see what’s trending in the polls, and access resources to help you participate and vote. Stay informed and engaged!

ACEC-Ontario’s Advocacy Issues

ACEC-Ontario applauds the Ontario government for its historic ten-year, $191 billion dollar investment in infrastructure. This investment supports economic growth and prosperity in such a way that it provides direct benefit to all Ontarians. For our member firms, this investment has resulted in unprecedented levels of activity not seen in generations. As a result, these firms are now looking to hire more Ontarians to meet the growing demand for the vital services they provide.

ACEC-Ontario member firms are committed to helping solve Ontario’s infrastructure challenges and look forward to working together with the provincial government as it builds a stronger Ontario for today and for the future. Indeed, we have the technical skills and expertise needed to help the government make informed decisions.

To that end, ACEC-Ontario and its member firms have identified a series of recommendations that would enable the government to.

Deliver more projects on-time and on-budget

Reduce repair costs and keep the economy moving forward

Ensure a strong, diverse workforce able to meet challenges

Protect the public interest

Read ACEC-Ontario’s 2025 Policy Recommendations – Engineering Ontario Forward.

Ontario Party Platforms

Explore each party’s platform and priorities by clicking on the logos below.

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Voting Information