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The Bridge | Member Company Spotlight | 2SLGBTQ+ Resources

Introduction We interviewed several ACEC-Ontario member firms to identify the 2SLGBTQ+ employee resource groups available at their companies, aiming to showcase their goals and values for those considering implementing similar resources. By spotlighting these firms’ efforts, we aim to inspire […]

Message from our 2023-2024 Chair

I’m honored to have the opportunity to work with our member companies, my fellow Board Directors, and ACEC-Ontario staff as the Chair for the upcoming year. I extend my gratitude to GHD and our member companies for their support of […]

ACEC-Ontario Unveils 2023-2024 Board of Directors

ACEC-Ontario held their annual general meeting which included an election to fill six positions on the Board. Mississauga, ON (September 15, 2022) – The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC-Ontario) proudly announces the appointment of its 2023-2024 Board […]

Bulletin to Members: Request for Member Input – PEO Survey re. EIT Program Suspension

ACEC-Ontario is currently inviting input from its members to formulate the association’s response to the survey conducted by Professional Engineers Ontario concerning the ramifications of the suspension of the Engineering Intern (EIT) program. Please provide your firm’s responses to the […]

Message from Andrew Hurd – ACEC-Ontario’s new Executive Director

As I embrace my new role as the Executive Director of the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – Ontario (ACEC-Ontario), I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and gratitude as I embark on this new chapter in […]

Research Corner for The Bridge | Dissecting Discourse & Collaboration

Research Corner provides plain language summaries of research relevant to the engineering sector. These summaries highlight key information and actionable steps. Click on the underlined links below to take you directly to the research summary you would like to read. […]

Interview with ACEC-Ontario: National Engineering Month 2023

This interview, featuring ACEC-Ontario’s, Bruce G. Matthews, discusses the different career paths available to consulting engineers, the demand for infrastructure in the next 10 years, and the activities of professional engineers who accept accountability for engineering work.

Article: Consulting Engineering Companies Are Your Trusted Partners

In the news… In the latest publication of Innovating Canada, Bruce Matthews speaks to why “Consulting Engineering Companies Are Your Trusted Partners” and what you can expect working with an ACEC-Ontario member company.”

Bulletin to Members: Project Fixed Rates and Inflation Factors

Overview ACEC-Ontario has been receiving more frequent reports of clients issuing project procurement documents that include terms requiring fixed project rates for professional services over an extended period. Often these terms prohibit or restrict any adjustment in rates during long-term […]

Reflections on ACEC-Ontario’s Accomplishments Over the Last Three Years – A Message from the Executive Director

As some of you already know, I’m retiring at the end of June. That’s not the point of this story, but it’s part of the impetus for it. The primary impetus is that at the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies […]